Thursday 9 December 2010

Initial Treatments.

2 Minute Opening Sequence.

  • Title Ebony - The film is based around her and her childhood, the name Ebony also has a dark meaning to it

  • Duration Time 2 minutes.

  • Audience Certificate 15. Aimed mainly at females, possibly males, aged 15-25 as the film shows manipulation throughout child/teenage life and how people can be affected by it and how they cope with it. There is no particular ethnicity or class targeted.

  • Synopsis Title sequence opens presenting an eerie and mysterious atmosphere as it shows a character, without revealing their identity, looking at photos of girls that are later identified in the opening sequence and making drawings and notes (like on Se7en opening sequence). The titles will appear over this in a scribbled font, jumping around and looking scratchy (again, as in the Se7ven opening sequence). The titles then disappear off screen and the image fades to black, and then fades into a shot of Ebony's eye. As the camera zooms out, more of her face becomes visible and it's clear to see that she's dead and in a dark, abandoned location. Eventually all of Ebony's body is visible and voices can be heard. The camera then cuts to Nicole and Leah helping Lily out of the location in which she's been kept captive. Her face, clothes and hair look neglected and dirty so it's clear that she's been kept here for a long time. As the girls are exiting the location, Nicole and Leah are panicky and curious about the ordeal Lily's been through, and so ask her lots of questions about it. As the questions are being asked, the camera slowly zooms into Lily's face as she tells the girls she didn't expect all of this to happen to her, and then as the camera is zoomed into her eyes, the screen flashes white and then back to when the girls first met, showing a flashback of the story from Lily's point of view, demonstrating a non-linear narrative.

  • Suggested Elements The storyline is non-linear, captivating the audience from the start as they're the curious to find out what happened throughout the rest of the story. The opening shot of Ebony dead can lead an audience to believe that she's the victim of the situation, but the narrative then corrects the audience, making them want to watch the whole film to understand the full story.

Full Film.

  • Title Ebony - The film is based around her and her childhood, the name Ebony also has a dark meaning to it.
  • Duration Time 92 minutes.
  • Audience Certificate 15. Aimed mainly at females, possibly males, aged 15-25 as the film shows manipulation throughout child/teenage life and how people can be affected by it and how they cope with it. There is no particular ethnicity or class targeted. 
  • Synopsis The film begins with the death of Ebony, the tormentor in the film, and the girl Lily being saved from her captivity by her friends Nicole and Leah. Nicole and Leah then ask Lily about her ordeal, and as she begins to explain it, the narrative reverses and begins when the girls first met. On their initial meeting, Nicole and Leah are very welcoming of Lily, but Ebony acts shiftily and wary. The film then progresses as Ebony proceeds in befriending Lily and eventually manipulating her against Nicole and Leah by telling her about the events in her childhood which involved Nicole and Leah singling Ebony out and picking on her, yet Ebony stuck around because she felt she had no other friends. Over the course of manipulation, Lily begins to act more coldly towards Nicole and Leah and Ebony also acts strangely by missing lessons and being cautious around Lily. Nicole and Leah pick up on Ebony's change if character and try to warn Lily about it, but she pays no attention. Later, Lily stops showing up to college and it's apparent that she's gone missing. Nicole and Leah decide that Ebony has played a part in her disappearance and follow her home from college one day and discover that she hasn't been going home, but to a desolate location. As they watch her go inside, they slowly follow her in and discover that she's been keeping Lily captive. They then kill Ebony in a moment of shock and desperation and save Lily, taking us back up to the point the story began at.
  • Suggested Elements The storyline is non-linear, captivating the audience from the start as they're the curious to find out what happened throughout the rest of the story. The opening shot of Ebony dead can lead an audience to believe that she's the victim of the situation, but the narrative then corrects the audience, making them want to watch the whole film to understand the full story.

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