Thursday, 7 April 2011

Film Review Videos.

we asked a few of our fellow media students to watch and review our 2 minute film, we asked them: 
  1. How effective did you find our title sequence? why did/didn't you like it?
  2. How effective and authentic did you think our locations looked? 
  3. What did you think the genre of our film was? 
  4. What did you particularly like about our film? 
  5. What did you particularly dislike about our film? 
  6. Does our film remind you of any other films?  
  7. What do you think of the charcter? is it clear who is the bad character? why?

reviewed by: kieren lawless, liam fountain and nathan denman


reviewed by: oliver mitchell and joseph jones.

These reviews tell us that we achieved an overall effective visual impact as our title sequences and locations we're reviewed well. We also managed to represent the characters effectively and clearly as the characters were easily identifiable as good or bad, and so this created a sense of tension and foreboding, giving our sequence its thrilling element. These reviews also tell us that although our title sequence and locations were effective, they are also misleading as the general opinion on genre was that it was a horror when we intended for it to be thriller, meaning that we could've toned down the dark elements of our opening sequence to make it more mysterious rather than grungy and dark.  

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